Sunday, July 6, 2014

Joan Rivers Plastic Surgery – Is She Addicted To It

Joan Rivers Plastic Surgery – Her Frequent Trips To Her Plastic Surgeon Lead People To Believe That She Is Addicted To It

Joan Rivers Plastic Surgery before and after
Joan Rivers Plastic Surgery before and after

Joan Rivers plastic surgery is so notorious that some people were guessing how many she has done so far.  Well, according to a news article, the latest count is 739, and the article was published in 2012.  You can just imagine how many more plastic surgeries were added two years after publication. 
And she doesn’t care what other people think because plastic surgery is the only good thing her age can manage.  The number of surgeries performed her was huge that many people suspected that she is addicted to it.  Is plastic surgery addictive? What are the causes?

Joan Rivers plastic surgery is all over the news be it on print, radio, and TV.  Plastic surgery is common nowadays and will not fade away from this planet especially that technological advances promoted creation of more non-invasive techniques.  It can be addictive as it gives a certain high to patients.  One of its causes can be pointed with perceived abnormality in the body that despite numerous operations the client is still finding faults with the body. Societal factors are also to blame.  With so many advertisements and stories promoting plastic surgery and highlighting good looks to feel good, surely not only it will tempt people but it helps them to be addicted to it as there are no universal rules on good looks and feeling good.  And lastly, poor image problem is also a cause. For as long as the person cannot eliminate insecurities, then plastic surgery will pile up on the body. 

If Joan Rivers plastic surgery turns to be an addiction, is there something that we can do?  There is but it is too personal in nature.  For as long as the individual cannot accept some realities such as, it is not the obvious that is important in life but rather on the impact that we made to other people and society as well.  Gradual fade out of beauty is a natural tendency and plastic surgery cannot eliminate it.  It can only temporarily repair signs of aging.  To prevent plastic surgery addiction is to tell that person the heart matters rather on what our senses perceived. 

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